2019 HMS Science Fair is getting underway in the Link Cafeteria. The public is welcome to attend and see the different projects from 9:00-11:00. Awards will be at 12:10 in the Auditorium. #WeR210
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Middle School
Science Fair
Good Luck Today!
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Middle School
Game Day
Good Luck Today! #WeR210
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Middle School
Game Day
Good Luck Today!
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Middle School
Game Day
Today's MS basketball games at Dodge City-Comanche have been canceled due to the threat of inclement weather.
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Public Schools
Good Luck Guys! #WeR210
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Middle School
Game Day
Today’s HS basketball games at Colby have been postponed (again) did to the weather. We will announce when a make-up date is decided.
almost 6 years ago, Adrian Howie
Good Luck Eagles. #WeR210
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Middle School
Game Day
MS Honor Choir trip to DC on Saturday 1-19-19 has been canceled due to the weather. #WeR210
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Middle School
Hugoton will run mud routes the rest of this week, Thursday and Friday 1/17 through 1/18
almost 6 years ago, Scott Schechter
Hugoton will run mud routes 1/16/19
almost 6 years ago, Scott Schechter
Good Luck! #WeR210
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Middle School
Game Day
Hugoton will run mud routes 1/14 and 1/15 2019.
almost 6 years ago, Scott Schechter
‪Saturday’s Scholars Bowl tournament at Sublette has been canceled.
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Athletics
HS wrestling scheduled for tomorrow at Scott City has been canceled.
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Athletics
The C-team boys basketball tournament games at Ulysses tomorrow have been canceled.
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Athletics
The MS boys basketball games at Ulysses tomorrow have been postponed. A make-up date will be announced at a later time.
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Athletics
Hugoton will run mud routes 1/11/19 PM
almost 6 years ago, Scott Schechter
Tonight’s HS basketball games are postponed due to inclement weather. We will send out notification once the game has been rescheduled.
almost 6 years ago, Adrian Howie
First home game of the season. Good luck! #WeR210
almost 6 years ago, Hugoton Middle School