Yearbook Cover

Hugoton Middle School Parents,

Here is the link for the HUGOTON MIDDLE SCHOOL yearbook. The Josten's Company made the online price of the book $22.75 so when you check out and add a 9% tax,  the total price is still $25, just like you would pay in the middle school office.  Yearbooks will be for sale until May 15th, but the books will not arrive until August.  Order now so you don't forget!

Please email Mrs. Mecklenburg pictures of your new "school" life at home!  I would like to make a page or two in the yearbook showing how HMS students or staff are living the 4th 9 weeks!  (Examples: Picture of you completing online schooling, photo of you and a pet, pic of you with family, pic of you outside in the backyard, do you have a new job at home to show off, or maybe you want a spring photo for the yearbook!